Nathaniel just got home from a family trip to Michigan, where he enjoyed a few opportunities to play his dulcimer. First, he and his family visited North & South Mountain Dulcimers, a wonderful home-based dulcimer shop in rural western Michigan that carries a fabulous selection of McSpadden dulcimers. Nathaniel and his dad spent a bit of time jamming on the back porch with Ray Spyker, who, along with his wife Mary Ellen, owns North & South Mountain Dulcimers. Nathaniel got to play a beautiful Schnaufer 6. The business is called North & South Mountain Dulcimers, by the way, because the Spykers spend half their year in Michigan and half in Florida.
Later in the trip, Nathaniel and his dad did two dulcimer programs in Muskegon, MI - one for a nursing home and one for a luncheon at the church that Nathaniel's Great Aunt and Uncle are members of.